We have been busy at the Traffic Control development office. Here's a list of the latest features and enhancements included in this release. Traffic Control is proud to announce that we have comp...

Traffic Cop is becoming Traffic Control We have heard from many of our customers that our logo is less friendly than it should be; who wants to be watched by the cops after-all! It’s not just a chang...

Several new features are included in this release as follows (video here): Payment Roll: This feature allows you to increment either the "Cash Down" or "Trade Allowance" in order to get to a specifi...

We added the ability to print a Retail/Lease comparison sheet, and the ability to print out 3 different Leases along with retail options on a single worksheet. Call us at 888-990-5288 or email Forms@T...

We have updated the UP interface to now make the Secondary into a drop down. This allows for a cleaner look and easier navigation of the UP. We have activated our Route One integration, you can read ...