How To Add or Remove Users from Traffic Cop.

Please note that the references for operation within AutoSoft is a suggested guide, for assistance in the AutoSoft DMS program, please contact ASI Technical Support at 1-800-473-4630 to walk you through this portion if you need further assistance or if your setup appears different than the images in this guide.

To Add A Traffic Cop User:

First, open the AutoSoft DMS Program.

AutoSoft Dealership Management System

Once you are in AutoSoft, select Accounting.  (Note: You will need to know the Accounting password to proceed.)
AutoSoft DMS

Select Setup in the main menu.
AutoSoft User

In System Setup, select Vehicle Sales.
AutoSoft Help

Once inside Vehicle Sales, select Salesman Information.
AutoSoft DMS Menu

Once open, add the User ASI #, Name and Position. This is the information Traffic Cop uses to setup Sales Representatives or Managers.
AutoSoft DMS Add User


Once complete, select Save and Exit.

When you open Traffic Cop, the new user should show in the selection list in the Login Screen. You will then need to set a password for this user by logging in as an Administrator.

After logging in as an Administrator, select Tools.

Traffic Cop Add and Remove Users
Then select Dealer Customization from the drop down menu.
Traffic Cop CRM Add User
(If you do not see the new User in the drop-down menu, log in as an Administrator and check that the User is not hidden.)

Traffic Cop CRM Hide User

Please note that the references for operation within AutoSoft is a suggested guide, for assistance in the AutoSoft DMS program, please contact ASI Technical Support at 1-800-473-4630 to walk you through this portion if you need further assistance or if your setup appears different than the images in this guide.

To Remove A Traffic Cop User:

To remove a user from Traffic Cop You first need to remove the user from the AutoSoft DMS Program.

First, open the AutoSoft DMS Program.

AutoSoft Dealership Management System

Once you are in AutoSoft, select Accounting.  (Note: You will need to know the Accounting password to proceed.)
AutoSoft DMS

Select Setup in the main menu.
AutoSoft User

In System Setup, select Vehicle Sales.
AutoSoft Help

Once inside Vehicle Sales, select Salesman Information.
AutoSoft DMS Menu
Once inside Salesman Information, select the User you would like to delete from the list, and then select Delete below.
AutoSoft DMS Remove User

The AutoSoft DMS Program will prompt you, asking if you really want to delete this user.  If you are sure, click OK. (Note: This cannot  be undone.)
AutoSoft Delete User

It will bring you back to the Salesman Information list and your user is now removed from the AutoSoft DMS.
AutoSoft ASI DMS Remove User

After deleting the user in the AutoSoft DMS, open Traffic Cop as an Administrator.

After logging in as an Administrator, select Tools.

Traffic Cop Add and Remove Users
Then select Dealer Customization from the drop down menu.
Traffic Cop CRM Add User

Select the User you are looking to delete.
Traffic Cop CRM Delete User

After selecting the User, click the Minus symbol to remove that User.
A prompt will ask if you want to delete this user.  (Note: This cannot  be undone.)
Traffic Cop CRM User Management
Once you click yes, a new box will ask you to reassign the leads this user has. You may select one user or multiple users to Round Robin the leads to your selected list.

Once done, Traffic Cop will inform you that it has completed reassigning the deleted User’s leads.
Traffic Cop CRM Help Delete User

Now the User is officially deleted from Traffic Cop.
Traffic Cop Help Delete User