This is a major update with many requested features and improvements as follows:

  • A new “Appointments” feature has been added to Traffic Cop. Users will see a new “Appointments” tab in the Up record. When you create an appointment for a customer, enter the Subject of the appointment, select the “type” of appointment from the drop down selector (Initial visit, Be back, Test drive, Delivery, etc.), then set the date and time. Further information about the appointment can be added in the bottom pane of the window. When all of the data is complete, click on Save Appointment.
  • Appointments created in Ups populate to the individual users’ calendar.
  • Users appointments are visible in a unified Department, All or individual view in Menu Appointments.
  • Appointments can be edited in the appointment tab in the Up by selecting the appointment, making the changes and then clicking “Save Changes”.
  • Traffic Cop now integrates with Autosoft FLEX F&I. This integration is bidirectional and will be upgraded continuously over the next few updates.
  • Traffic Cop is now certified by Ford for web leads and ILM. Setup with TC support is required.
  • Integration with Title Tech has been added.
  • The Inventory module has been upgraded to allow users to manually enter a vehicle. This is done by selecting “Add Unit” button in the upper right area of the inventory window. Users must enter an appropriate Stock Number and select a valid “Car Line” from the drop down. This feature allows TC users to add a dealer trade or a purchased unit to sell when accounting has now yet added the unit.
  • Users can print the Service Survey in Prospect Service when an individual record is selected.
  • Service appointments now sort correctly by date and time.
  • Several improvements and enhancements have been made throughout the program.