This is a major update with many requested features and improvements as follows:

  • Totally new Lease interface designed to make lease calculations simple no matter how complicated the scenario; Trade with equity and cash back to customer, Trade with negative equity, residual adjustments for dealer installed options, etc. The new interface allows user to compare 3 separate lease calculations in a side by side display on screen. It allows you to adjust the service contract amount, the acquisition fee amount as well the residual, mileage allowance charges and cap cost amount in each column.
  • A new standard Lease Worksheet has been added to Standard Forms (access by clicking the Printer Icon within an Up. The information from the lease column selected in the UP prints on the worksheet. Call Traffic Cop support if you have a custom form you would like us to add to your installation.
  • Notes entered in the UP Notes tab now save individually with an automatic user and date/time stamp. Notes can’t be deleted or edited by users (only the Administrator). Management can now track user activity within TC records with confidence!
  • Automotor now has a Manager Task Assignment selection in the Employee drop down. This will allow users to assign a task to the employees’ specific manager for followup. Be sure your team setup is complete in Dealer Customization to use this feature and that managers are selecting their initials in the UP drop down (upper right corner of record).
  • Chrysler dealerships will enjoy the new Shift Digital features. This integration enables Third party leads inquiring  about a new Chrysler product to get additional incentives from Chrysler when applicable. There’s a new button, “Marketing update”, in the Rebate area of the Deal. Here you will see additional incentives offered to the customer by Chrysler. Please call Traffic Cop Support to get setup.
  • SmartMenu integration!!! Requires User setup with IAS. Information here: Clicking on the SmartMenu icon in the Deal Tab:Front Adds sends your deal to IAS SmartMenu where F&I can create a custom menu of products for the customer. This feature will help to sell more products and process your policy paperwork electronically thus eliminating paperwork.
  • AutoSort has been added to most of the user drop downs in Traffic Cop. This includes Employee, Action, Result and many other drop down selections through out the program.
  • New reports have been added to the Menu:Reports area. Sales Team Activity Type gives you a great view of how much activity you generate by UP type and how you do with each category. Sales Team Visited Type singles out actual showroom visit activities generated by each Type of UP source.